NOTE: Since the lyrics are in Italian, the whole lyrics section is in Italian, so if you are surfing the English website, you will be redirected to the Italian website while surfing back. To reenter the English version, just click on "English Version" at the top of any page. Thank you.
If any English mother tongue poet or songwriter would like to collaborate with me to translate some of my songs or to get his songs translated into Italian, please
"...le canzoni son come i fiori, nascon da sole, sono come i sogni;
e a noi non resta che scriverle in fretta perchè poi svaniscono, e non si ricordano più..."
"..."Songs are like flowers / they are born by themselves / they are like dreams / and we only have to / write them quickly / because then they fade away / and we will not remeber them"..." (Vasco Rossi)
- Stella(written 11/8/1997)
- Sei solo tu (April 1998)
- Io x te(May 1998)
- Lacrime di Giugno (August 2000)
- Amori(September 2000)
- Canzone dolce (February '01)
- La mia vendetta (March '01)
- Dentro di me (August '01)
- Insieme a me (Dicember '01)
- Il capoufficio (June '02)
- Il baro (June '02)
- Stasera (October '02)
- U.O.S.Blues (Dicember '02)
- Misteriosa (February '02)
- Luca e Sara (Dicember '02)
- Moira (March '03)
- Città(28/4/03)
- Il principe giallo (7/2/04)
- Ascoltami(16/12/04)
- Fisso negli occhi (7/4/05)
- X me(8/5/2005)
- Vanessa(22/5/2005)
- Quando si spegnerà il mio cuore(24/5/2005)
- Steso sul pavimento(12/6/2005)
- Quel giorno(17/6/2005)
- Medicine(22/6/2005)
- Amica(1/7/2005)
- S.S. 2(15/7/2005)
- Supereroi(16/7/2005)